“The heaven” and “the earth” have clearly defined meanings in the Pentateuch. The first verse of Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,” reads like a perfect creation. Baptist Fundamentals, Being Address delivered at the Pre-Convention Conference at Buffalo, June 21 1 Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche are the enemy, encouraging the belief that might makes right.

Abraham Lincoln is its hero, second only to Christ. Perhaps its dominant theme is the identification of Christianity and the United States as the defenders of justice in the modern world, particularly as this concerns the defense of the weak from the power of the strong. It also touches on other issues important to the fundamentalists: the wayward character of a merely ethical Christianity urbanization the changing roles and status of women and secularization, especially the secularization of education (see Hall). It focuses on just two, the Bible and man’s salvation through Christ’s death. This address does not discuss all of the fundamentals (defined in 1910 as the inerrancy of the Bible the virgin birth of Christ his death to atone for man’s sinfulness his resurrection and the authenticity of Biblical miracles).